Visualise your statistics
Examples of possible diagrams
Line charts
- Temperature, light, humidity, wind speed
- Currency
- Quantity
Time period statistics
- Server online (statistics about the online status of a server)
- Operating times of an electrical system with calculation of the energy consumed in KWh
Column charts
- Amount of rain per hour, day, month
- Solar elements yield in KWh per hour, day, month
Using VisualStat
Simply register and either actively send the data to VisualStat via API, or provide the URL for fetching the statistical values.
Push API
Json Content
"date":"2020.03.27 14:51:34",
"date":"2020.03.27 14:53:24",
Pull API
Response Json
"data": {
"status": {
Using embed diagrams as an iframe
Data types:
Temp = temperature
hPa = hektopascal (air pressure)
µSv/h = Microsievert/hour
Lux = light intensity
KWatt = kilo watt
W/qm = Watt/square meter light intensity
mm/qm = millimeter/square meter (amaount of rain)
on/off = on or off
event = an event occurs
dimm = dimming value in % (dimming value of a lamp)
% = percentage
%0-1 = value between 0 and 1 shown als percentage
km/h = kilometers/hour (wind speed)
float = number